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Do you have any doubts, if your trees and shrubs are health? Do you want to use chemicals, but don’t know what is proper? You have a design project, but want another professional opinion, is it good enough from biology perspective.

Any question you have about plants, you can ask me.

Sanitary/Structural Pruning

Every tree and shrub needs sanitary pruning every year. It has dead branches after winter or diseas, broken branches after strong wind or people/animals activity. It all should be cleaned and cutted. To be beautiful and also healthy. Weak wood attracts pests and cause diseases.

Also every tree and shrub needs structural pruning from the young age. In nature most of trees grow in chaotical shape, making bad structure, which also will cause cracks and diseases. It’s super important to make proper cuttings. Trees with bad cuttings (not proper angle, bad not sharp tools, cut not right branches, cut too much or too less) will have health problems, will start to rott and die. It can even look ok for 5-10 years after manipulations. But in one day, usually very calm, windless and sunny it just fall down.

Fruit Trees Pruning

Try not to plant everything you want immediately. :) Think for 5-10-15 years in future.

Do you have enough space in your small garden for a big fruit tree? Maybe it’s better to plant column shape tree? Do you have water system for grass, use chemical, fertilizers every month and try to grow trees at the same place? Not a good idea…

Do you have a lot of sprouts and suckers? I may assume you cut them all in winter and have even more sprouts in summer. I can solve that problem.

Special Shapes Tree Pruning

You want something interesting and not standard?






Shrubs Cutting

You can make any shape you want for the shrubs with cutting. If it grows long branches very quickly, you should cut and shorten them a few times in season. That way it will grow more side branches and a shrub will be thick and will not fall appart under it’s weight or under the snow.

Old branches should be cutted off to give space for young. Not enough light may cause fungee diseas.

Topiary/Hedges Trimming

Hedges - should be trimmed properly with right angle, so the bottom will not get empty.

Circle and other topiary shapes should be cutted often enough to be beautiful. Otherwise it will have gaps in it’s shape and it will take a few years to grow and fill it back.

Design Projects

I work in a partnership with a designer from Italy. We make wonderful, naturalistic gardens.

We want to create a place of peace for you, not slavery.